Transparent taring is essential for a fair price CU LTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY sor can then decide whether or not to kill the haulm. ‘However, due to this year’s extreme growing season, nature determines the time of haulm killing, and we must work with what nature offers’, Van Boxtel explains the current situation. ‘So it’s very important to have reliable information. We can then decide already in the field whether - from our total of 2,500 hectares of potatoes - we’ll place a lot into long storage or whether we’ll have to start processing sooner’, Van Boxtel explains the challenges of the 2016 harvest. Demonstrating reliability ‘Compared to the total investments of the factory, the modern taring area isn’t expensive, but it does determine the price the farmer gets paid’, Michel Remijn of RMA explains. In the 10 years his company has been active in the market, he has developed a completely automatic taring line. ‘Calculating the underwater weight with much larger samples of up to 40 kilograms produces far more reliable results than the 5-kilogram samples many buyers currently work with’, Remijn tells us. ‘In practice, it’s crystal clear that the bigger the sample you work with, the less spreading and the more accurate the results of the calculations’, he has experienced lately. ‘Automating the entire process reduces the chances of making mistakes. What I see is that the big processors want to demonstrate reliability to their suppliers in the taring area. You can do this by working with large samples and by automating the line. It’s not for nothing that the Kroef people tell me that they wanted a line that’s reliable and that actually shows it’, Remijn tells me with a big smile. ● Jaap Delleman Any infections are made clearly visible via a carborundum peeler, which works fast and provides a result comparable to the steam peeler. The underwater weight of the lot is calculated via an automatic technique. With the push of a button, the inspector sends the taring data to the Navision computer program. During the visual inspection, the certified inspector determines the external and internal quality. Potato World 2017 • number 1 27 Pagina 26

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