PotatoEurope 2017: From precision data to practical recommendations TRADE AND MARKET I NG Farming System (AFS), we link these values via CAN-bus to our own RTK-GPS system. Using this data, we’ve drawn up a task map, which will form the basis for the variable planting. Both we and Agrifirm, Kempenaar’s permanent advisor, expect that the plant feels the same resistance as the plough’, Pelle explains. ‘This is, in fact, a cheap system to map out the soil. It shows the condition of the soil every year. This is why the tractor will be at the basis of the task map, and we’ll no longer have to discuss the clay fraction of the soil’, Pelle explains the new working method. Planting at variable distances ‘We’ve planted potatoes of the Innovator variety in the precision farming trial field at variable distances’, the project leader continues his explanation. ‘This means that, on the heavier parts of the field, seed is planted at a smaller distance and on the lighter parts, at a larger distance. We’ve chosen three different distances: 27, 30 and 33 centimetres. We’ll eventually adjust those distances a bit when the average seed sizes turn out to be bigger or smaller than we’d originally intended. With this planting method, we hope to get a more uniform potato crop, which will provide advantages in regard to crop protection and fertilisation. After all, each plant will then be virtually The potatoes of the Innovator variety have been planted under excellent conditions. at the same growth stage, which is important for the optimal intake and action of nutrients and chemicals’, Pelle explains. ‘We expect, of course, that the total yield will increase as well’. Monitor your crop with a drone During the growing season, Pelle will monitor the plot with an unmanned aeroplane, the Precision Hawk. ‘This aeroplane has been fitted with state-of-the-art cameras as a result of which we can measure plant height, plant number, green index, and a lot of other data. We’ll then process the images with a series of algorithms, the results of which we turn into work cards. We’ll then use these cards on the precision farming plot. I’m absolutely certain that this method will increase the yield. The potatoes of the Innovator variety are planted at variable distances. This means that seed is planted at a smaller distance on the heavier parts of the field and wider on the lighter parts. This will give a more uniform crop, which is a crop that closes more quickly and that again is important for the total growth of the plot. The next step is that we dress according to crop potential which means that we keep the basic amount of fertiliser, which is based on soil samples, the same. We’ll then dress slightly more in specific places where the crop is doing better than in places where it’s not doing so well. At the end of the season, we’ll kill the haulm in specific places’, Pelle explains. ‘We’re going to fly a lot this year, and we’ll check afterwards which trips were unnecessary. In the costing, we’ll include all the incurred costs of all the objects. We’ll present these calculations during PotatoEurope together with a practical action plan which growers can learn from’, Pelle explains the setup of the project. Furthering knowledge Armed with laptops, the necessary connection cables and an extensive toolbox (from right to left) Jannick Pelle, Niek Naber and Jelle Knibbe enthusiastically pounce on some module extensions in the brand-new Case IH Maxxum cabin. During the event, potato harvesters of the AVR, Dewulf, Ropa, Ploeger, VSS, Scanstone, Grimme and Veenma brands will be lifting the potatoes. The potatoes will be transported from the field to the storage machinery with tipper lorries of the Fliegl, Jeantile, Beboma, Joskin, Areko, Dezeure and Agroliner brands. The Dewulf-Miedema, AVR, Bijlsma Hercules, Prinsen-Visser, Van Trier, Grimme and Downs brands will be present as well. Potato World 2017 • number 2 21 Pagina 20

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