TRADE AND MARKET I NG Requested: new HDS varieties due to a sharp rise in flakes and granule production 25,000 tons of HDM potatoes per year to supply the factories with raw material from the land until the end of the season.’ More resistances required However, every advantage also has its disadvantage and that also applies to the marked preference for growing flake potatoes in the northeast of the Netherlands. There are still some problems to overcome in that area. What those are, has been examined by Evelien Drenth, a student of horticulture and arable farming, in her internship assignment at Aviko Potato. ‘An important problem is that there are no restrictions for crop rotation in the area’, she explains. ‘This means that growers grow potatoes 1 : 2 or sometimes 1 : 1, with the implicit consequences. Two important ones are the significant presence of wart disease and that of potato cyst nematodes. In order to prevent further spread of wart disease, for example, the cultivation of varieties with resistance to physio 2 and 6 is compulsory and that applies to no less than 80 percent of the growers in the area’, she emphasises. Physio 18 is also occurring more and more frequently. When it comes to nematodes, the concerns are just as great’, explains Drenth. Among other things, she mentions the recent resistance breakdown of Pallida pathotype 3. Approximately 70 to 80 percent of the nematode infections found are now Pallida, the rest often contain mixed infections including Globodera rostochiensis. There is a footnote to this disease problem, the student adds. ‘The ‘I always look at the integral yield in the chain, which is yield x underwater weight x transport costs x energy consumption in the factory. A prerequisite for this is a minimum quality’, says Matthijs Meijer about the choice of varieties at Rixona. ies with resistance to physio 2 and 6. Growers operating from area B also have that obligation for delivery to the starch factory, but not for the supply of industrial (flakes) potatoes to Aviko, for example. ‘Two important requirements are: that we want varieties that are easy to store (no rot or sugar formation) and resistance plus tolerance for nematodes’ Northeast has been divided into areas A and B for wart disease. Anyone who delivers from area A to the starch and/or the flake factory is obliged to grow varietBetter varieties are lacking All the developments outlined by Rixona still lack one important factor, namely better and more suitable varieties that incorporate the necessary pest and disease resistances. And that’s why Rixona has called the potato growers of the Netherlands together, says Agronomy Manager Matthijs Meijer. Because what varieties is the expanding flake producer looking for exactly, and what requirements should these meet? It’s clear that there should be resistance for wart disease and nematodes, but the wish list is longer, although, a lot shorter than that for chips potatoes, says Meijer. ‘I’ll start by telling you how I rate the new varieties myself. I always look at the integral yield in the chain, which is yield x underwater weight x transport costs x energy consumption in the factory. An essential condition here is a minimum quality. We must be able to produce the end product from it. After that, the lowest possible cost price counts. 34 Potato World 2018 • number 2 Pagina 33
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