TRADE AND MARKET I NG Potato trade reaches new highs Total world potato trade values* (€ billion) 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 08 09 10 cessing inutry and while most of what it produces is sold in the home market, there is a small but growing export trade, with sales doublng to 11,000 tonnes in 2017. Meanwhile, the development of China’s own processing industry means that its demand for imported fries has decreased 11 12 13 Imports Exports *Excludes potato starch 14 as it supplies more of its own needs. The recent increase in potato production in China means that it is also becoming a significant supply of fresh potatoes to its neighbours, with the country shipping more than half a million tonnes in 2017. The increasing popularity of potatoes and potato products obviously presents 15 16 17 opportunities for established European and North American processing companies, but it also raises the prospect of more competition. As countries get a greater taste for potato products and domestic production increases, then more of those countries will establish their own processing plants, which could damage import demand. World Potato Markets The World Potato Markets 2018 Market & Trade Review contains more than 130 pages of data on production estimates in key potato regions of the world, an analysis of latest potato output across the world and a detailed section on the volume, value and price of potato, fries, chips/crisps, potato flakes, flour, sweet potaotes, frozen potatoes and starch potatoes. Now in its seventh year, the review is an essential guide for all potato professionals. Readers of Potato World receive a special discount for the review. Contact editor Cedric Porter for more details – or +44 1892 543444. ● The latest global production data is for 2016, with 377.3 million tonnes produced in the year, a similar figure to the year before. Potato World 2018 • number 2 39 Pagina 38

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