Potato World vision PW-ACTUA Thé chocolate potato In addition to breeding and searching for the right varieties, we see the advance of the 3D printer and the printing of food. Wouldn’t it be great if it were possible to print the potato that looks perfect and, equally important, also has a super-tasty flavour. A salty potato that actually tastes really salty or a potato that tastes of chocolate. Silly maybe, but many women would kill for it. I would! The potato display unit is obviously super trendy! The potato where it belongs: on a stage. This perfectly fits the #revaluation of Holland trend. In contrast to #globalisation, we celebrate our national icons all the more. In addition to speed skater Jorien ter Mors, the potato is also in the limelight!! Another challenge is that the consumer would like to have an ‘experience’ when looking at the display unit. In the #experience economy, we like to feel, smell and, also very important, to taste. As far as I’m concerned, huge steps can still be made in that direction. On the other hand, the consumer also opts for convenience, the #ondemand trend, everything quickly available, ordered today delivered today. And how convenient is it that your fridge already orders for you, what’s empty is immediately replenished because your fridge is in direct contact with the supermarket. #internet of things. Always a steam bag of potatoes within reach. Then there’s eating and drinking: due to our ever-increasing digitalisation we’re no longer talking to each other because we’re always connected (not with each other but with our mobile phones), so having a meal together is now becoming much more important again. The human aspect as a counterbalance to all that technology. Through food pairing, new combinations of flavours are discovered that are not immediately obvious and this makes the meal interesting again. Potato with almonds, apricot, white chocolate and orange peel. Who wouldn’t feel inspired and hungry? And for those who find this a bit to revolutionary, a nice conversation over a delicious, old-fashioned potato mash pot is still totally 2018! So, no worries for now. Mariska Werring Sales Manager Leo de Kock Belgium wants to set up TO Potatoes At the beginning of March, the Belgian potato chain signed a letter of intent to organise itself as an approved trade organisation (TO) for potatoes. It will represent the approved agricultural organisations united in the Agrofront (Farmers’ Union, the General Farmers’ Syndicate and the Fédération Wallonne de l’Agriculture) and Belgapom, the organisation for trading in and processing of potatoes. At the beginning of March, a letter of intent was signed in Brussels to set up the Belgian trade organisation (TO) for potatoes. The Belgian TO wants to link up the cultivation, trade and processing of consumption potatoes. Together, they want to further expand the future of the potato sector and thus develop into a platform for the potato chain. At the same time, the TO wants to act as a knowledge centre at both national and regional level and it has set itself the objective of establishing international contacts and cooperation. Financing through a binding declaration The reason for starting a TO right now is that the dynamism in the Belgian sector has changed considerably due to the increased demand for high-quality potatoes and potato products in the world. ‘If we want the Belgian potato chain to grow in a sustainable way, it’s advisable to strengthen the operations in the chain and to anchor the cooperation between the chain links on the one hand and the government on the other’, the initiators have said in their statement. In order to realise these plans, the TO for potatoes intends to develop a levy system whereby, via the authorised regions, a binding declaration will be drawn up for all the producers and/or market participants in the relevant region. The aim of the trade organisation is to ensure that there is a single powerful voice from the Belgian potato chain. In addition, the TO wants to promote the ambitions of the sector and come up with solutions for common issues. The plan is to officially establish the Belgian TO for potatoes at the Interpom-Primeurs trade show, which will take place in Kortrijk from 25 to 27 November of this year. ● Potato World 2018 • number 2 9 Pagina 8

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