TRADE AND MARKET I NG Duurzaamheid centraal thema op SIA tor. The aim is to acquire more knowledge for sustainable potato cultivation. That’s why the McDonald’s stand is all about sustainability and emphasises the multinational’s commitment to locally-produced products. Via posters, the company shows who the producers are and where their products come from. Through a quiz, visitors are challenged to understand the production method of the products. In ten days of SIA, more than 18,000 visitors have submitted a competition form. Reasons for decisions Another example that potato growers who grow for McDonald’s use to make cultivation more sustainable is Mileos. This is a decision-support software application that reinforces why you should or shouldn’t spray against Phytophthora. ‘This application has already proved itself in practice and we promote it to the growers. In total, more than 50 percent of the McCain growers in France use the tool. This service was developed at the Arvalis research institute and costs the grower 150 euros each year. It’s important that growers gain confidence in new technologies and systems. This is particularly noticeable among growers of the old generation. We see young growers, who are often highly qualified, making the transition faster. As we’re currently seeing a generational change in France, we expect a lot from the new technologies in the coming years. With the help of modern cultivation systems, the potato can become even more sustainable. Not only the reduction of crop protection chemicals is an issue in cultivation, but the reduction of water usage in agriculture is also necessary. That’s why reliably measuring the water requirements of the crop is becoming increasingly important. This is possible with the help of the Irré-LIS tool. This system works with sensors in the soil in combination with weather stations and the weather forecast and can calculate the amount of irrigation water that’s required. This principle is not very complex or expensive, but it does provide a great deal of basic information’, Pouchelle explains. As the demand for French fries is growing annually, McCain certainly expects to increase it’s acreage Parmentier’s stand emphasises convenience and taste. this year. ‘We expect to increase up to 800 hectares in France and Belgium.’ According to Mark Jansen of LambWeston Meijer, the other supplier of processed potato products to McDonald’s, there is a trend towards more cooperation with local politicians. ‘By working together and seeking each other out, we can create a basis for support. We can now show how McDonald’s collaborates with the growers. There’s now a kind of openness, which forms a solid basis for the French potato sector. Carole Blandin of the growers’ organisation tells us that the CNIPT campaign focuses on the three potato families. Promotion of table potatoes At the SIA in a stand that was co-sponsored by the European Union and the associated promotional campaign, the potato growers’ organisation CNIPT presented the various methods of preparing potatoes in combination with pleasure and health. Carole Blandin of the growers’ organisation tells us that the campaign focuses on the three potato families. The first family is the vapeur rissolées, the firm potatoes that consumers can prepare in water or steam. The second family is four, purée, the floury potatoes for mash, soup or casserole dishes. The third group is the special French-fry potatoes for preparation at home. The promotion was presented to consumers through a veritable potato theatre and a brochure with recipes. In addition to the stand, the organisation wants to promote the potato three times a year via Facebook. By using the completed quiz forms, CNIPT collects addresses from consumers in order to spread the message to an increasing group. Blandin says that around 18,000 forms were collected during the SIA. In addition to generic promotion by CNIPT, small packagers from the northern French potato region of Picardy also made their appearance. In its stand, the Parmentier company emphasises convenience and taste by having people taste potatoes of the Jazzy variety from a potato cup in which you can prepare potatoes in the microwave. The La Pompadour company presen ted the exclusive Label Rouge brand. ● Jaap Delleman Potato World 2018 • number 3 23 Pagina 26
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