Together with our breeders, growers, producers and customers, we are committed to improving research and the cultivation and usage of potatoes all around the world. That is why we continuously strive to develop e�fi cient varieties that are adapted to di�ferent uses, climates and growing conditions. TRADITIONAL Hermosa, Evora, Morgana, Farida, Joly, Perdiz, Allison, Panamera, Sunred, Memphis, Delia Red, Flamenco, Rosi, Ronaldo RETAIL FRESH Primabelle, Sunita, Noblesse, Sumatra, Colomba FRENCH FRIES Ivory Russet, Cardyma, Althea, Alverstone Russet, Tiger CRISPS Alcander, Heraclea, Taurus, Triple7 You will fi nd a complete list of our varieties on our website: Feedingthe WORLD Pagina 43
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