CU LTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY The abolition of diquat requires a different the haulm killing moment Is it still possible to kill haulm in potatoes properly now the decision not to extend the application of diquat (Reglone) has been taken in Brussels? Yes, it is possible, but all currently available alternatives call for a completely different way of cultivation and working towards the moment of haulm killing, are the first reactions from plant protection experts. On 12 October, the European Parliament took the decision to no longer allow the use of the active substance diquat in countries of the European Union. This decision includes a transitional measure stating that Member States withdraw all authorisations of plant protection chemicals containing diquat by 4 May 2019 at the latest. Furthermore, a period of grace is possible. Member States may determine this grace period themselves but are advised to keep them as short as possible with a final use-by-date of 4 February 2020. The decision does not quite come as a bolt from the blue, but for the potato sector the loss of the haulm killer has a considerable impact. The agent has been effective for years. Easy to apply, suitable for all cultivation purposes, consumption, starch, seed, usable on almost all varieties and financially viable. More economical with nitrogen The use of the remaining products and methods will be a different story, is what crop protection experts expect. ‘Spraying a crop with Reglone is a method that we’ll certainly miss in the cultivation of potatoes’, is the reaction of Delphy advisor for arable farming Luc Remijn. ‘So far, we’ve already gained experience with alternatives like Spotlight and Quickdown, but in most cases in combination with Reglone. If these newer products are to work well then there’s much more involved, such as specific weather or crop conditions that they need in order to work ideally. I also think that we’ll have to ask ourselves whether we shouldn’t be more economical with nitrogen in the cultivation. Those who were used to three sprayings with Reglone at the beginning and end, will probably have to reduce the nitrogen application. Furthermore, I expect a comeback of methods such as haulm pulling. Certainly for seed it should be noted, however, that haulm pulling is risky in the presence of bacterial disease in the crop. All-in-all, haulm killing without Reglone requires a different way of thinking and working. We’d rather not have to do with the inconvenient monitoring of the crop, pulling the haulm or cutting the roots, but in the coming years we’ll need them all. I think that the cultivation of potatoes in the Netherlands will be fine in view of our knowledge and cultivation experience, but it’s a pity that Reglone will no longer be available.’ More distinction between early and late processes Just Hamming, Product Manager for Arable Farming at Crop Solutions, also points out the importance of a different way of working and thinking after the loss of diquat. ‘For example, there will be a difference in the way haulm is killed in early and late crops. Quickdown and Spotlight will become more important, especially in physiologically later crops. Furthermore, haulm killing will be more difficult in later storage crops and the Haulm killing without diquat is possible, but all currently available alternatives call for a completely different haulm killing. 34 Potato World 2019 • number 1 Pagina 33
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