TRADE AND MARKET I NG Turkish crisps market is experiencing rapid growth and PepsiCo is benefiting Cultivate seed potatoes in-house ‘Unlike factories in other countries, we at the Agro department remain responsible until delivery to the factory. This means that grading and peeling is also our responsibility. An extra incentive for the agronomists to cultivate a perfect quality of potatoes,’ Melis says, following up on his storage story. To achieve this, a modern grading, washing and peeling machine was made where PepsiCo can process 15 tons of potatoes per hour. ‘A good quality potato is largely determined by the quality of the seed potatoes. The last generation of seed potatoes is being grown in Turkey and only 40 to 50 percent of our elite seed potatoes needs to come from the Netherlands and from Scotland. We multiply the rest ourselves in the mountains in the Cappadocia region, where Dutch seed potato trading companies such as Meijer, Agrico and HZPC are active as well. Here we grow our VR808 varieties (a sub-licensing variety from Stet Holland) and Brooke at an altitude of 1,100 to 2,300 metres. For this we use mini tubers from Turkey and India, which we still use three times in Turkey and then sell as G3 seed potatoes. Thanks to this short cut-off system, we have high-quality seed potatoes available for our growers. Partly due to the devaluation of the Turkish lira, we aim to meet our seed potato needs in the coming years entirely under our own management or with local partners in Turkey.’ ● Jaap Delleman ‘Unlike factories in other countries, we at the Agro department remain responsible until delivery to the factory’, says Paul Melis. In order to be able to make sufficient crisps, PepsiCo is dependent on a guaranteed supply of raw material. The maximum processing capacity per line is 2 tons of potatoes per hour, producing up to 600 kilograms of crisps per hour. Potato World 2019 • number 2 27 Pagina 26
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