P ot a t o w o r l d CONTENT: Journal for the Potato sector • number 1 • 2020 Potato programme without ring rot should give Polish sector new impetus > 8 PW-Actua 11 Variety Presentation Days 2019: main objectives in breeding vary widely page 5 24 Closed potato market in Norway keeps the local potato chain afloat 38 Poland on the road to EU-6 membership 44 Successful Finnish market introduction of potato strips 46 PotatoWorld dish 46 PW Agenda Closed potato market in Norway keeps the local potato chain afloat > page 25 A year of changes A greenhouse full of jars with a potential new potato variety in each jar, it’s always an impressive sight. But from such a full greenhouse, only one will probably break through in ten to fifteen years’ time. During the recently-held variety days, the breeding companies disclosed the focus in their breeding work on responding to current challenges. Challenges that the European potato sector has to deal with on a daily basis. During harvesting, for example, which is currently creating a completely different dynamic in the market compared to last year. As parties in the sector you need to learn how to deal with that, the meteorologists say. Moreover, a large number of changes that have been announced in recent years will take effect in 2020. For example, from this year onwards, European growers will no longer be allowed to use the haulm killer Diquat, and the widely-used anti-sprouting product Chlorprofam will also disappear. Partly due to the ban on neonicotinoids, there are already more problems with virus infections in the cultivation of seed potatoes. Just a few things that will influence the global potato sector in the near or slightly distant future. Where I believe steps still need to be taken is in reviewing the earnings model. As a result of corporate growth, the financial risks in the potato chain are constantly increasing, which is also reinforced by climate change. This causes enormous fluctuations in yield and price in the free market. I don’t believe we’re going over to an American system where all Frenchfry potatoes are contracted. The fluctuating European yields, in contrast to cultivation in North America, are too much of a risk for the customers. Last summer I was in Norway, a country with a closed market that has a fixed-price system in which the entire chain has a say in the price. The introduction of such a system requires transparency from all the parties in the chain. And a willingness to distribute the cash flows throughout the chain, in order to give the potato a sustainable place. Otherwise there’s a chance that cultivation will shift to neighbouring countries. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2020 • number 1 3 Pagina 2
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