TRADE AND MARKET I NG Poland on the road to EU-6 membership NEW POTATO FEDERATION FOCUSES ON IMPROVING QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY The new offices of the Polish potato federation are in Warsaw in the district where the ministries also have their offices. The aim of the organisation is to improve the quality and efficiency of Polish potato production. The federation focuses its activities on the development of the Polish potato sector and wants to increase its competitiveness on the domestic and international markets. The core values of the potato federation, according to Chairman Bien´ kowski, are experience, collaboration and effectiveness. ‘It’s not an organisation that compaseed-potato cultivation to a higher level’, emphasises the enthusiastic potato man. The entrepreneur knows that the volume nies can be a member of without obligations. We really want to take action. To achieve this, we were inspired by the European Potato Trade Association, Europatat, when setting up the federation. We have a professional secretariat led by a board with people from the sector. We work with a board of three people and a total of ten committees with professionals who present their own vision of their field of expertise and develop a policy for the federation accordingly. The committees are: Producers, Technology, Storage, Breeding and Seed Potato Production, Consumer Packaging, Processing and Starch, Science and Innovation Implementation, Promotion of of the current Polish seed potato market is around 100,000 tons. ‘If we want to further professionalise the cultivation Healthy Food, International Trade and finally RUCIP (Rules & Practices of Inter-European Trade in Potatoes). ‘At the moment, an increasing number of transactions are being dealt with on RUCIP terms In this way, we want to give the growers in the chain more power, so that we can get a fair and transparent handling of delivery problems’, Bien´ kowski explains. In addition to the professional members, people from the hospitality industry and even consumers can become members for a small fee. The sector currently has around 1,500 members. For more information about the organisation: process, the seed potato market will have to increase tenfold to one million tons in the coming years. That’s a huge quantity ‘If we want to bring the Polish potato sector to a higher level, we must first of all ensure that we bring the seed-potato cultivation to a higher level’, emphasises Tomasz Bien´ kowski. 40 Potato World 2020 • number 1 Pagina 39
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