PW-ACTUA Manter takes an interest in Solidtec, for closer cooperation and a better total solution Manter, manufacturer of weighing and packaging machines in Emmen, has acquired an interest in the palletiser producer of Solidtec in Dronten. The companies will continue to operate independently, but the share transaction will create a closer cooperation which, according to both parties, will result in ‘an even better total solution for customers in the domain of weighing, packaging and palletising’. ‘Manter has been seeing an increasing demand for endwinner’, says Herman Wehkamp, co-owner of Manter. Thanks to closer collaboration, Manter can integrate its machines even better with the Solidtec palletising systems. of-line solutions, with machine integration and data exchange as the point of departure. Sharing knowledge and information between the parties is crucial, but is not always a matter of course. Thanks to the closer collaboration with Solidtec, we can integrate our machines even better with palletising systems. In this way, we arrive at an integral total solution, with the customer as the big Separate sales and service Behind the scenes, both companies will collaborate, but the dealer and agent networks remain unchanged. ‘Of course, we’ll be looking in the future to see where we can strengthen each other further, but before that we’ll first contact our current dealers. They’ve contributed over the past years to where we stand as organisations and we want to respect that’, concludes Wehkamp. ● Key Technology strengthens portfolio with Herbert Solutions Key Technology acquired Herbert Solutions. This acquisition strengthens the global company’s portfolio of machine solutions for potatoes and vegetables. Key is part of the Duravant family and develops and manufactures machines for digital grading, inspection, transport and processing. The Dutch Herbert Solutions, with its headquarters in Eindhoven, focuses on the markets for tuber and root crops and fresh produce with a range of grading, washing and processing solutions. With the acquisition, Key expects to be able to offer and even wider set of integrated solutions that will improve product quality, production efficiency and overall customer profitability. ‘Herbert’s expertise in processing and grading fresh, whole produce is an excellent addition to our strong representation in the market in terms of solutions for potato and vegetable processing’, says Key Technology top man Louis Vintro. Strategic benefits ‘In 2016, I made a new start with Herbert Solutions. In that year, we adapted the production process of the average length control at a major French fries processing company, which resulted in a significant increase in efficiency. This unique optimisation of the production process attracted attention on the market, and this is how we came into contact with Key. Integrating a Herbert electronic grading machine into the production line increases its efficiency’, says Mark Verschuren, the former owner of Herbert. ‘We already had plans to expand towards potato solutions. However, as it would take too long to develop this in-house, Mark Verschuren (l) and Gert Poesen see significant benefits with the integration of Herbert into Key Technology. we were looking for collaboration’, adds Gert Poesen, Global Innovation Manager at Key Technology. Verschuren expects that the development will benefit customers all around the world. Product brand Herbert Solutions will become a product brand within Key’s total portfolio of solutions for potatoes and vegetables. Mark Verschuren will take on the role of Product Sales Manager for Herbert. He will continue to lead Herbert’s commercial efforts and play a prominent role in the development of new product solutions. ● Potato World 2020 • number 2 11 Pagina 10
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