P o t a t o w o r l d Journal for the Potato sector • number 1 • 2009 CIP asks international cooperation to realise UN objectives > page 4 7 PW-actua 19 Code of one potato chromosome now completely cracked 23 The first DuRPh field trials are encouraging 26 On the heels of the Incas 34 Miedema surprises friend and foe with new CP 42 37 The world of the potato research 38 Potato World dish 38 Agenda CONTENT: Dutch breeding sector strengthens its position in the world with investments > page 11 New ar r i val What could be more delightful than to pose for a photo with your new-born niece on your lap? Well, I think it wonderful and I can see myself in the place of the proud parents, who are dying to show their new-born baby to family and friends. After all, as a parent, you want your children to grow up in a safe world, with people who care about them in a society where food and care are in abundance. At the moment, though, you often hear of important nutrients that will no longer be available for our children or grandchildren. As an example, I mention the threatening phosphate shortage in Europe. As the situation is now, there won’t be any left to mine in 50 to 150 years’ time. In anticipation, Wageningen University has published a study which shows that phosphate can be used much more efficiently. Despite the fact that the results of this study cannot immediately be put into practice, such developments require the endeavours and involvement from agriculture everywhere in the world. Because children in parts of the world such as Africa also have the right of a promising future. Projects in the poorer regions of the world, such as the one that the International Potato Centre in Peru has started, can contribute to this. Others who also proudly showed their new arrival to a large public recently were the potato merchants during their variety presentations. Every year, breeders convincingly demonstrate how they can translate their knowledge of the market into creative crossings. Increasingly, science plays a major role in this process, as results can be achieved much more quickly with applied research than with regular breeding. This does not mean that the breeders of this world have become redundant. For there is definitely still a role for them at the moment. But for how long? Time will tell. New varieties will become increasingly important in the future – in my own opinion and that of many others. Not only for the farmers and the trade, but also in order to be able to feed the entire world population. Especially after this ‘International Year of the Potato’ – in which I also visited the poor regions of Peru –higher yields will be necessary to guarantee that there will be enough food to feed the children of this world. ● Jaap Delleman Potato World 2009 • number 1 3 Pagina 2

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