PW-ACTUA PotatoEurope sprouts The organisers of PotatoEurope 2009, A.P.P. from Zeist, the Netherlands are pleased to inform that the preparations of the three parts of this event are right on schedule. The international exhibition and the field demonstrations are on track and the international congress programme has also been completed for more than half. Many former exhibitors have again reserved their stand space, as well as a number of newcomers. The processing industry is remarkably well represented this year. The congress programmes have been composed in cooperation with the NAO (Dutch Organi sation for Potato Merchants) and the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR). PotatoEurope will be held on 8, 9 and 10 September next in Emmeloord, the Netherlands. The potato exhibition and the corresponding field demonstrations will be held on the arable land of the “Stichting Schoolboerderij” (Foundation Schoolfarm) at the Urkerweg in Emmeloord. The exhibition opens its doors on a special day, i.e. on 9 September 2009 (9-9-9) and will close the next day. Many companies have already booked the stands of their choice. Among them are national and many international companies. They represent various links in the potato chain such as potato growing techniques, plant protection, fertilisation, harvesting, storing, processing, packaging and the potato trade. The processing industry is thereby well represented on the exhibition floor this year. Congress – 8 & 9 September 2009 The congress will take place on 8 and 9 September in the congress venue “’t Voorhuys” in the city centre of Emmeloord. The congress programmes this edition have been set up with the active support of the NAO and the European Association for Potato Research. ‘We, as organisers of this event, are very pleased that the congress programmes have been put together in close cooperation with the NAO and the EAPR. The programmes have yet only partly been completed but they look very promising with a lot of interesting presenters’, says project manager Paulien Hoftijzer. She continues: ‘We have decided only to offer half-day congress programmes in order to make sure delegates have sufficient time left to pay a visit to the exhibition and the field demonstrations which they should not miss of course’. Given the fact that the congress Audience is very international the official congress language during the congress sessions is English. The NAO congress will be held on 8 September. The Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Mrs. Gerda Verburg, has been invited to speak at this congress. She may speak on sustainability in relation to the potato industry. Also, the Queen’s Commissioner of the Province of Flevoland, Mr. Leen Verbeek, has also been invited to speak. The EAPR congress programme, on 9 September, has the following overall theme: “Future prospects of new technologies in de potato industry”. Companies that are represented in this programme are for instance Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II from Morocco and Branston Ltd. from England. Speakers from the Netherlands who will take the floor do so on behalf of amongst others Wageningen University, Plant Research International and ACM. International representatives of EAPR will be chairing this congress. LinkedIn In order to stimulate the communication prior to the event between all parties involved A.P.P. has started a communication group on under the name of PotatoEurope. This group has recently welcomed its 100th member in this group. ● On a sunny but chilly spring day in April in Emmeloord, the Netherlands the seed potato planting for the trial plots of PotatoEurope 2009 got started. The planting was carried out by ‘Proeftuin Zwaagdijk’ (Experimental Horticultural Station Zwaagdijk) on arable land which will house the international PotatoEurope 2009. The trial plots are part of PotatoEurope, a cyclical event of great international importance for the potato sector. The event has always consisted of three components: an international exhibition, field demonstrations and an international congress. The exhibition and the field demonstrations will take place on 9 and 10 September next. The exhibition will be held in a, for the occasion, purpose-built hall of 10,000 m2 gross floor space. The organisation of PotatoEurope 2009, A.P.P. (Agricultural Promotion Projects) based in Zeist, the Netherlands, expects similar figures in terms of visitors compared to the 2005 edition. Over the two days A.P.P. expects about 15,000 visitors from 50 countries. ● 10 Potato World 2009 • number 2 POTATOEUR PE Pagina 9
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