TRADE AND MARKETING Refreshing ideas at Fruit Logistica Many a representative of the international potato/vegetable/fruit sector could be found in Berlin from 4 to 6 February, when the annual Fruit Logistica show was held in the enormous buildings of the local Messe. If you wanted to visit every single stand with vegetables and fruit related novelties, you had to walk over 8 kilometres. We limited ourselves to the stands with potato news and again discovered many refreshing ideas from this sector. P roper walking boots were no luxury at the Berlin Fruit Logistica, because the enormous showground had been sectioned off so that companies were mostly sited together per country. As companies in a growing number of countries have started focusing prominently upon the potato, it was a sweaty job walking around the hot showground. The Dutch presence also increases every year. Companies often have their own stands but, occasionally, they pop up in the stands of the parent organisation from other countries. One example is the Dutch company Den Hartigh that created a presentation at Saka/Solana in the ‘German’ pavilion. The stand’s central motto was ‘We Love Potatoes’. Visitors were treated to a wide range of varieties here, along with new innovative marketing concepts. The Dutch trading company TPC had found a slot for itself with its Belgian business partner, Potato Masters. ‘This business crossover suits us down to the ground’, says director Gaby Stet. ‘Potato Masters focuses on the expensive table potato market at home and abroad and we are looking for partners who can supply us with seed and consumption potatoes. By linking up our presentations, we can offer our visitors a more comprehensive picture.’ Popping corks It is also very important that you can meet one’s business relations at an event of such international stature. ‘It is actually the most important reason for our being here’, explains Jan Popping corks during the signing of the SunLite concept, from left to right: Ruud Kosters, Bram Werkman, Douwe Lodewijk, Roberto Ravier, Giullio Romagnoli and Herman Verveld. It is also very important that you can meet your business relations at an event of such international stature. Muijsers from C. Meijer BV. Based on a number of successful young varieties, Meijer has a message for both existing and potential business associates in the Holland hall. You see the same happening in the French stand, where many big players present a wide range of both potato varieties and packaging. Developments can be discussed at length over a glass of champagne. You didn’t have to go to the French hall for that though; champagne corks could also be heard popping in the Dutch HZPC stand. But glasses were mainly raised to business matters here. Small-packaging company Landjuweel signed a contract which will allow them to market the SunLite concept in the Netherlands. Giullio Romagnoli, of the Italian trading company Romagnoli, signed a similar contract in Italy, where he plans to market this concept via the Conad supermarket chain. In the SunLite concept, table potatoes are bagged up that contain less than 60 kcal per 100 grams of potato. They therefore have a lower calorific value as compared to the nationally-used values mentioned in the nutritional table. According to HZPC, the concept complies with the European legislation that is the basis for any contents claim in the EU. Just as with the Pommonde concept, which was recently brought to the market, HZPC checks whether all lots indeed fulfil the imposed requirements. At this moment, Carrera, Potato World 2009 • number 2 5 Pagina 4

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