TRADE AND MARKETING Refreshing ideas at Fruit Logistica Adora and Vivaldi are varieties that fulfil the SunLite requirements. From seedling to potato shelf We also found Agrico, in another Dutch stand, presenting a potato with a claim. This was the Gourmandine variety, which has won the French ‘Saveur de l’Annee’ award. French consumers decided that this variety was the best and the tastiest of all in the category potatoes, vegetables and fruit, and it may therefore bear the title ‘Taste of the Year 2009’. Rink Landman, marketing & communications manager, explains that the Saveur de l’Année is an independent award that is put up by the French every year for produce of the highest quality. Monadia, the first organisation for consumer interests in France, carried out over 62,000 objective taste tests for that purpose in collaboration with a scientific committee, 18 independent laboratories and 9,877 consumers. Agrico put the award in a wider context, illustrating the development from seedling to its presentation on the shop shelf. The various stages the varieties have to go through and the markets in which the cooperative and its subsidiaries are active were also focused on in the stand’s kitchen, where a total of eight special dishes were being prepared. It goes without saying that the Gourmandine had a prominent place in them. Pure taste Another Dutch potato cooperative, Nedato, also focused on the taste aspect of the potato with the slogan ‘Pure Taste’. This slogan stands for a total product range of tasty potatoes and potato products, from baby to grill potatoes. On the website, you can read that Pure Taste is more than taste alone. ‘If you don’t focus on a liveable environment for the coming generations these days, you are very quickly branded the bad guy. However, the reason why Nedato chose this motto comes from the heart. You should not produce relentlessly and then think that nature will automatically recover. The resilience of our field of work and the natural reserves should never be taken for granted. That’s why we plant, work and harvest in a sustainable way. For an honest product with an honest price’, is what it says on the cooperative’s website. Innovation in packaging On the stand of the Dutch packaging manufacturer NNZ, the themes innovation and product development had top priority. With ‘The Evolution of Packaging’, the company emphasised that innovative packaging links the past with the future. According to Ester Niemeijer from NNZ, the company is looking for innovative solutions for all manner of market trends, in which issues such as sustainability, intelligent use of materials, convenience and extended shelf life are the important components the sector needs for continued development. Certification stepping-up Certification is becoming increasingly important in a growing Sietse Derks (l) and Dirk van de Broek from CêlaVíta discussing the possibilities of microwave potatoes with Europlant director Jörg Eggers (r). The development from seedling to its presentation on the shop shelf being illustrated by Agrico most surprisingly. At NNZ, the themes innovation and product development had top priority. 6 Potato World 2009 • number 2 Pagina 5
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