PotatoEurope 2009 In search of the lead PotatoEurope 2009 in Emmeloord, with 11,000 visitors, has become a success. What really surprised both the organisation and the exhibitors, was the enormous number of foreign visitors: a third of the total came from no less than fifty different countries. We asked some of them what had motivated them to come. what attracted them most was the lead which the Netherlands has in the domains of breeding, cultivation and technology. Farhad Zamil, Bangladesh On a bench, with two bags full of brochures and flyers, we find Farhad Zamil from Bangladesh, resting before leaving the show. He works as programme manager for the international company AFE and travels a lot. His job is to find all kinds of useable technologies and products that may help the entrepreneurs in Bangladesh; he does this on behalf of private companies in his home land. It also sometimes involves subsidised projects for small entrepreneurs, says Zamil. Once at home, he reports to the various organisations and companies and gives advice and supervision. Zamil takes it all in at PotatoEurope 2009. His interests include packaging machinery and new potato varieties. As far as packaging machines are concerned, he has focused in particular on capacity. ‘That is where we can still make considerable improvements.’ A potato variety that has attracted his attention is Lady Rosetta from the trading company Meijer and Felsina. He will most certainly come back to fill his bags with brochures and flyers again in four years’ time. Viliam Bezák, SlovaKia In the Agrico stand we met Viliam Bezák from SlovaKia. It is not without reason that he is there. Bezák is managing director of the potato and import company Triana and is also the official agent for the seed and storage potatoes of the Dutch cooperative. The Slovak was impressed with the event in Emmeloord. He met many people he knows in the potato trade and thought that the show was very professionally organised. He especially went looking for interesting new potato varieties among the various Dutch trading companies, which he could grow and market in his own country. His own ‘variety list’ already has 25 names. Some of the varieties he mentions are Impala, Agata, Gourmandine, Désirée and Markies. Kamal Ali (r) and Salah Abu-Mousa, Jordan 16 Potato World 2009 • number 4 Pagina 15
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