TRADE AND MARKETING Filipinos in search of varieties for growing their own crisp potatoes THE PHILIPPINES: FACTS AND FIGURES Number of inhabitants: 89.5 million Population growth: 1.8% Area: 300,179 km2, divided over 7,107 islands, of which Luzon and Mindanao are the largest Government: a democratic republic Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 86.6 billion euros (2006) Economic growth: 5.4% (2006) Inflation: 6.3% Total imports: 38.9 billion euros (2006) Total exports: 33.8 billion euros (2006) Major trade partners: United States, Japan, Singapore. Taiwan, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, the Netherlands They cultivate the second growth of the planting stock in plastic greenhouses. By far the largest part of the seed consists of small tubers from the previous harvest. island is situated approximately 300 kilometres north of Manilla, the capital which, with 11 million inhabitants, has the most consumers. The farmers usually grow two crops of potatoes a year and, with irrigation, sometimes even three crops. They cultivate the crop on terraces against steep mountain slopes, 1,500 metres or higher above sea level. And without any form of mechanisation. They apply small amounts of artificial fertiliser and chicken manure. During heavy rains, including typhoons, it is sometimes necessary to spray against Phytophthora twice a week. A cropping area with a lower acreage but one that is, however, increasing, lies in the highlands of the southern island of Mindanao. This is the second largest island of the Philippines. The farmers here can grow potatoes virtually throughout the year, the reason being that the rains are much more steady in this area and there are no typhoons. The disadvantage they have is a marketing issue, because Manilla, the capital, is far away. Transport by sea makes the potaIn the supermarkets, consumers pay between 50 eurocents per kilogram for baby potatoes and 1.20 euros for the larger-sized potatoes in small plastic bags. The locally-grown potatoes are destined only for the fresh market and processing has not been developed. Potato World 2010 • number 2 31 Pagina 30

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