WENIGER SPRITZBRÜHE – MEHR HEKTAR LESS FILLING – MORE HECTARES Harvest success with innovative technology! 1,8m 1,8m 1,8m 5,4m 2,7m GL 33 T: universally adaptable for the new MAXI-Bed system or as conventional planter 5,4m 2,7m With the new MAXI-Bed system: up to 10% more productive land available and an output increase of up to 50 %! Perfekte Sikkation mit nur 25 l/ha Perfect desiccation with just 25 l/ha. BESPRÜHEN VON KARTOFFELN - POTATO TREATMENT Optimale Benetzung der Kartoffeln durch Rotationsdüsen (CDA Technologie) Perfect tuber coverage because of spinning disk (CDA technology) Intrachem Bio Deutschland Phone: 0049 (0)64349446-502 www. intrachem-bio.de 0031-499400714 www.agricult.nl Specialist in low volume technology WR200: the new trailed windrower available in 5 versions FL 720: unique, the first field loading station road legal world-wide Seed Potatoes & Table Potatoes Specialities: Unique worldwide: the CCI operator concept for ISOBUS compatible machines initiated by Grimme Grimme Solutions GmbH: your one-stop contact for individual “Turn-Key”-solutions from storage to packing for potatoes, onions, carrots and other crops Accent Aphrodite Elgar Focus Red Valentine Bintje Frieslander Red Sun Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Hunteburger Straße 32 D-49401 Damme Phone +49 5491 666-0 Fax +49 5491 666-2298 grimme@grimme.de www.grimme.com Desiree Nicola Spunta etc. A. de Nijs & Zn. B.V. De huisweid 7, 1749 EL Warmenhuizen P.O. Box 9, 1749 ZG Warmenhuizen The Netherlands T +31(0)226 39 12 70 F +31(0)226 39 34 03 E info@nijs.com I www.nijs.com 16 Hektar pro Tankfüllung (16 hectars per tank) NEW Pagina 29
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