15th INTERNATIONAL POTATO TRADE FAIR 2010 5th INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR FOR FRUIT AND VEGETABLES 200 EXHIBITORS AND 13.858 PROFESSIONAL VISITORS ! REQUEST YOUR VISITORS’ brochure with the complete programme and your 50% reduction voucher! AN INITIATIVE OF The ultimate European meeting place and business forum specifi cally for the whole of the potato, fruit and vegetable sector, from growing to processing! SUNDAY 28, MONDAY 29 & TUESDAY 30 NOVEMBER 2010 (10.00-18.00 HRS) Belgium www.interpom-primeurs.be INFO AND PLACE Kortrijk Xpo Doorniksesteenweg 216 8500 Kortrijk (Belgium) T +32 (0) 56 24 11 11 F +32 (0) 56 20 44 33 interpom@kortrijkxpo.com The source of potato information www.potatow orld.nl ww info@potatoworld.nl The Wor lds Most Dedicated Potato magazine Pagina 37
Pagina 39Interactieve internet archief, deze editie of gebruiksaanwijzing is levensecht online geplaatst met Online Touch en bied het converteren naar een online publicatie van web club bladen.
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