RE SEARCH Many more questions around biofumigation The results of the study into potatoes will give a first impression of the perspective of biofumigation. Screening test with the potato To throw more light on the possibilities of biofumigation, PPO location Vredepeel started an in-depth screening study, which was explained to everyone present at the Healthy Soil day. This field research, which also includes the potato, looks into the effect of a large number of biofumigation crops on the control of the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and the soil fungus Verticillium dahliae. The effect on these crops was compared to some current alternative methods to control rootlesion nematodes such as chemical soil decontamination, organic soil decontamination and a Tagetes crop. For this purpose, a plot contaminated with the root-lesion nematode was sown with various biofumigation crops between mid June and the end of July of this year. At the beginning of September, the Biofumigation means that crops or crop debris are worked into the ground resulting in mainly gaseous substances which have a toxic reaction on the pests and diseases in the soil. time that most crops were in bloom, the crops were flailed and worked deep into the ridge. Prior to sowing and right before flailing, the nematode contamination was determined, with the help of which we were able to establish the host plant suitability of the crops for the root-lesion nematode. To determine the effect of the worked-in crops on the nematode contamination, i.e. the biofumigation effect, we will analyse the soil again in the spring of next year, after which a potato crop of the Première variety will be planted. This test variety is very sensitive to the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and the soil fungus Verticillium dahlia. The first results of this study can be expected in the course of the year 2009. Perspective for combination treatment The results of the study into potatoes will give a first impression of the perspective of biofumigation. Moreover, breeding companies are busy developing new crops and varieties. In addition, developments can be expected in the domains of improving the cultivation method and biofumigation procedure. A combined application of the cultivation of a green manure crop as a biofumigation crop, sown in August or September, may offer future perspectives. Any extra costs for this combination are low and the biofumigation effect adds value to the cultivation of a green manure crop. Whether or not biofumigation has a future will greatly depend on the extent to which harmful soil organisms are controlled. In addition, the costs, the reliability and the possibility of fitting the method into the crop rotation system are also important. In the near future, new developments will offer opportunities for interesting alternatives to chemical soil decontamination. ● Potato World 2010 • number 2 39 Pagina 38

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