InCa | a calcium delivery system without equal InCa | ensures greater calcium where needed InCa | delivers Increases potato yields Reduces tuber loss Healthier haulm and tubers Improves potato quality Prolongs shelf and storage life Lower application rates combined with increased marketable yield and better quality produce will generate higher profi ts. Seed Potatoes & Table Potatoes Specialities: Accent Aphrodite Elgar Focus Plant Impact Plc tel: Int + 44 (0)1772 628328 fax: Int +44(0)1772 645169 email: Red Valentine Bintje Frieslander Red Sun Desiree Nicola Spunta etc. A. de Nijs & Zn. B.V. De huisweid 7, 1749 EL Warmenhuizen P.O. Box 9, 1749 ZG Warmenhuizen The Netherlands T +31(0)226 39 12 70 F +31(0)226 39 34 03 E I Pagina 9
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