PW-ACTUA Tolsma Techniek opens new business premises Late in November, Tolsma Techniek B.V., manufacturer of storage equipment, opened its new business premises at Fabrieksweg, Emmeloord. The building consists of new offices and several shop floors. This expansion is the result of a substantial growth in production, mainly as a result of increased exports in recent years. With one push of a big red button, Andries Greiner, member of Flevoland’s Provincial Executive, opened Tolsma Techniek BV’s new premises in Emmeloord. The actual opening was accompanied by a loud bang from a mobile refrigeration unit, followed by a volley of potatoes flying through the new factory space. Hopefully, this salvo is not regarded as symbolic of the way in which Tolsma Techniek handles potatoes. Given its ever-growing clientele, however, this definitely does not seem to be the case, for the developer of storage technology has been doing very good business again in recent years. After a turbulent period after merging with Netagco in the 90s and its new autonomy in 2003, things have been slowly improving, reverting back to the success period of the 80s. According to manager Dim Jan de Visser, the new building is a logical step in the development of the company. Since regaining its independence in 2003, the company’s turnover tripled from 7 million euros to 21 million euros in 2009. Much of this was due to the sale of machinery abroad. In order to do good business there, Tolsma has set up its own business locations and/or specialised sales agents in as many as 25 countries. Many of these also attended the opening of the new premises in Emmeloord. Tolsma utilised their presence by offering refresher courses on the latest developments, in the days preceding the event. Importance of transferring know-how Training is also one of the successes and spearheads of the company. Director Harry Goos has never made a secret of the importance of storage Since 2003, Tolsma tripled its sales from 7 million euros to 21 million euros in 2009. technology training, and he still emphasises this every day. Not only for his own staff but also for the traders and growers of storage products. In his opening address, Goos also pointed to the strong drive for innovation that the company always has had, right from its establishment by Auke Tolsma long ago. Potato grower Piet de Zeeuw from Flevoland is old enough to remember this, he tells us in a video message. He still remembers when the automatic doors and the accompanying fan control system were introduced as if it were yesterday. Goos pointed out that the continuous development of knowledge and skills is crucial for the company. Dim Jan de Visser (l) watches happily as Andries Greiner officially opens the new building. Potato University Andries Greiner praised the company for its thirst for knowledge. He ranks Tolsma among the best in the polder, which fits perfectly with his idea of an international potato university in the Northeast Polder. For many years, Greiner has been making a case for businesses in the province of Flevoland that want to promote knowledge. With this, he aims to increase those companies’ market profiles abroad. ‘What we want to do is to train people from abroad. So they receive the proper knowledge to match the world where they live. I have also passed this idea on to the Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seed and Seed Potatoes (NAK) and it has been received with enthusiasm’, according to Greiner. Many options for communication During the tour of the new building, Jan van Maldegem told us that the company is currently manufacturing 20,000 semicircular ventilation ducts, 2,500 fans and 300 control panels annually. He also showed us the many different ways in which the company can communicate with its customers. Besides large and small meeting rooms, there is also the possibility of using an online connection to give presentations. ● Potato World 2011 • number 1 11 Pagina 10
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