P o t a t o w o r Journal for the Potato sector • number 1 • 2011 Quality differences among growers will determine sales opportunities > page 4 9 PW-Actua 13 Digitalisation of the Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seed and Seed Potatoes (NAK) requires choices from the sector 17 Danish starch industry invests in cutting chain costs 22 The World of Potato Research 30 PotatoWorld dish 30 PW Agenda l d CONTENT: Miedema CP 42 P now ready for real work > page 23 Pay for all services?! I had the pleasure of travelling to the United States in the first week of this new year, as the annual meeting of American agriculture and trade organisations took place in Las Vegas, also known as the world’s top gambling city. The event – a conference and trade show – was held in great style. PotatoWorld magazine was also represented with a stand at the trade show. It was our task to see that the 1,400 visitors – who had all paid over 800 dollars to take part in the various activities – were presented with the English edition of our magazine. In order to have PotatoWorld magazine in Las Vegas in time, we had posted them to the conference centre long before Christmas. That all sounds quite logical. However, when we arrived, it turned out that the magazines were in the Business Office instead of in our stand. A kindly lady asked in excellent American English whether everything was OK and in the same breath whether she could be of assistance. ‘Yes, absolutely,’ I answered, ‘where are the magazines?’ Your magazines have arrived and are safely stacked away, the lady told me. If I just paid her 45 dollars, I could have them. Well, that’s easy money for such a small service? I am glad to say that such unexpected costs are still an exception in the potato sector. Players look for price certainty in the form of contracts, or allow the price to be determined by the market. The free market is controlled by many different rates, which are shown on the signs in the most important potato growing countries. What I learnt here was that honest payment for all services rendered is not really bad practice. It is important, however, to be transparent about this in one’s communications. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2011 • number 1 3 Pagina 2
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