TRADE AND MARKETING Quality differences among growers will determine sales opportunities Not the quality differences among countries, but the quality differences among growers will determine sales opportunities. A seed potato grower must ask the question as to what quality he can and wants to produce. ‘In ten years’ time, we will have reached that point,’ says Gerard Backx of HZPC. K nowledge is the most important factor in the seed potato sector to keep ahead of the competition, says Backx. The level of knowledge of the Dutch growers is high, but that does not mean that the sector can sit back and relax. ‘Knowledge, transfer of knowledge and learning from each other is what we really need to encourage. Knowledge is the seed potato grower’s greatest asset.’ The forthcoming harmonisation of categories and standards in Europe and the increasing competition in European markets underscore the importance of a high level knowledge, according to Backx. The European Commission is working on the harmonisation of categories and standards for seed potatoes. The idea is that countries are going to use the same references for categories. ‘A good thing. The French E category is currently of a different quality than the Dutch E category. That’s confusing.’ In the draft proposals for harmonisation, the EU standards are more relaxed than the Dutch ones, (with one exception: the standard for fur in the C class). ‘This means that the quality level of Dutch seed will go down,’ says Backx. ’And it comes as a directive from Brussels and the Dutch government does not feel any need to draft its own legislation. I am sure of that.’ It makes competing more difficult because it levels out the distinguishing qualities of the Netherlands. ‘A blue label now means: the quality is good. This certainty that the customer BUSINESS GROUP FOR EXCHANGING KNOWLEDGE Noord-Holland Noord is a business group set up to exchange knowledge about seed potatoes. During the presentation of the ‘Knowledge exchange of Seed potato cultivation Noord-Holland Noord’ project plan, there was sufficient interest to establish a first group. They set themselves some ambitious goals. ‘The business group must exceed by far the level of a classic study group’, says Jaap Bond, chairman of Agriboard Noord-Holland Noord. Agriboard and LTO Noord are the prime movers for setting up the business group LTO Noord is the representative of the agriculture and horticulture sectors, Agri Board is a foundation aiming at the positioning of the Noord-Holland Noord region as the most attractive agribusiness area in the Netherlands. All agricultural sectors are represented within Agriboard; Gerard de Geus of ZAP is chairman of the working party for seed potato growing. The best French grower and the best Dutch grower, there is hardly any difference’, says Gerard Backx of HZPC. ‘The business group must exceed by far the level of a classic study group’, says Jaap Bond. 4 Potato World 2011 • number 1 Pagina 3

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