M MINI-TUBERS Since 2001, VCI Nederland is actively engaged to the potato production via tissue culture and cultivation of mini-tubers of free and protected breeds. Under the supervision of NAK, the vitro plants and the mini-tubers are produced and delivered a NAK passport. Would you also purchase NAK certifi ed vitro plants or mini-tubers? Please feel free to contact us, we gladly discuss the possibilities that VCI Nederland has to offer. Daltonstraat 7  1704 SX Heerhugowaard  The Netherlands  Tel. +31(0)72-5762850 Fax. +31(0)72-5762860  info@vcinederland.nl  www.vcinederland.nl Self prOpelled harvesters for potatoes, onions, carrots, chicory and other tuber type of crops Model AR-4W Model AR-4B www.ploeger.com Pagina 11

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