RE SEARCH Frying is healthy! ‘Frying is the optimum method for a maximum production of antioxidants and it is also ideal for making other nutrients available in the potato’, according to researcher Carolyn Lister. Potatoes are an important source of essential antioxidants for everyone. How important that source is and which antioxidants can be found in the potato has recently been extensively researched by Carolyn Lister. She works for the Plant and Food Research Station in New Zealand. One significant discovery from her research relates to the various preparation methods of the potato: potatoes produce more antioxidants when they are fried than when they are boiled. news when it comes to the health aspects of this important food’, is what Lister has noticed in her home country. She thinks this entirely inappropriate and incorrect, we read in her research report. ‘The potato is by rights a very important food product, not only as a source of carbohydrates, but also as a source of antioxidants.’ Antioxidants are substances that protect the human body against harmful substances which are released in the body itself as a result of a range of oxidation reactions. To put it more simply: antioxidants are substances which prevent oxidation reactions in our bodies. A few known antioxidants are the vitamins C, E and beta carotene. The harmful substances which are found in the human “P otatoes are still far too often negatively portrayed in the 18 Potato World 2011 • number 3 Pagina 17
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