RE SEARCH Frying is healthy! body are known as free radicals. They can enter the body from outside, but they can also be produced in the body itself. According to the information website of the Dutch Food Centre in The Hague, the human body forms free radicals in processes in which a great deal of oxygen is used. This can be during physical exertion, but also during reactions to infection or during exposure to harmful substances such UV light, inhalation of cigarette smoke and air pollution. In an article published earlier about this subject by the American researcher Roy Navarre, it was noted that antioxidants also help prevent cancer and other disorders. It helps lengthen the life span of the human body, says Navarre in his study ‘Potatoes make you stay young’. Most antioxidants in the skin Lister not only looked at the type of substances in the potato, she also examined whether there are differences among the varieties. She is not the first one to do so, because the American Navarre and the Dutch Louis Bolk Institute have already reported on this on earlier occasions. Navarre found when measuring 100 varieties that the antioxidant content such as phenols ranged from 100 to 652 milligrams per 100 grams of dry matter. An example of substance from the phenol group is anthocyane. Anthocyane is responsible for the red and reddish-purple colour in vegetables such as red cabbage, but also for the red/purple skins of potatoes. Lister discovered that most antioxidants in potatoes are found in the skins. She concludes that smaller potatoes contain a greater concentration of antioxidants than bigger ones, because small potatoes have rela100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 Comparing daily antioxidant intake 100 150 200 250 50 0 Totaal fenolen Antioxidant aktiviteit Tested on the potatovariety Mari Anchor FIGUUR 3 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 50 0 Totaal fenolen Antioxidant aktiviteit The darker the skin and the colour of the flesh, the more antioxidants the potato contains. Tested on the potatovariety Mari Anchor Potato World 2011 • number 3 19 Asparagus Broccoli Carrot Kumara Onion Potato ‐ Ilam Hardy Potato ‐ Purple Heart Spinach Tomato Watercress Ongekookt Raw Gekookt Cooked Microwave Magnetron Gebakken/frituur Frying Ongekookt Raw Cooked Microwave Gekookt Magnetron Gebakken/frituur Frying Totaal fenolen (mg GAE/100g) Antioxidant aktiviteit (μmole TEAC/100 g) Totaal fenolen (mg/100g ds) Antioxidant aktiviteit (μmole TEAC/100 g) Antioxidant activity (μmol TEAC/day) Pagina 18

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