CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Packed Agritechnica full of innovations Expectations were high and were satisfied. Agritechnica, the world’s largest agricultural mechanisation show, recently attracted over 415,000 visitors, around a quarter coming from all corners of the world. A pleasing factor for all those thousands of visitors was that the exhibitors had a great many innovations on show. The ‘kartoffel ’ HALLE 2 was also crammed with them. Internal changes at Miedema Many machines at Agritechnica are not new on the outside, but have undergone internal changes. That also applies to the Miedema machinery. Manager Guido Mangnus goes down his list of upgrades, starting with the MS 4000 belt-type potato planter. The innovations are hidden in the software. From now on, it is possible to record all kinds of different planting strategies in the board computer. Not only set distances, but also variable ones. The variables may involve tuber size, but also differences in the type of soil or a combination of the two. The ridging hood of this planting machine has also been equipped with many more possibilities, one of them being that for even better filling, the hood is fitted with two depth adjustment sensors in stead of one. Moreover, it is now also possible, via an extra precision-tuning option in the cabin, to regulate the hood-filling more accurately in the event of changes in the soil composition or the soil moisture. Row-stop-shift gear The row-stop-shift ensures that you can plant the rows along the edges more accurately than the other rows. The drawn CP 42 P cup belt planter boasts similar innovations, but has two additional ones as well. The first one is the row-stop-shift gear change. Various tests with planting potatoes have shown that it is better to plant the potatoes closer in ridges that catch more light and heat; this increases the yield. These are the ridges along the tractor paths and field borders. The row-stop-shift ensures that you can plant the rows along the edges more accurately than the other rows. With this Miedema machine, you can increase the belt speed, which means the row along the edge produces 11 percent more potatoes than the other ones. A row-stop-shift costs 2,700 euros. The second special innovation of the CP42 P is the installation of a hydraulic connecter for bin unloaders; extra cost is 600 euros. The advantage is that the hydraulic tubing of the bin unloader can be shorter. The innovation in the belt potato planter is hidden in its software. Potato World 2012 • number 1 13 Pagina 12
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