Packed Agritechnica full of innovations CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY AfFordable basic equipment than before, it can even handle 2-metre boxes. The KKG is also equipped with an electronic eye for manoeuvring the tipper. The machine costs 7,485 euros excluding VAT. Another new The V4080 is 50 cm longer than the previous model and can now store 4 tons of potatoes. Finding reasonably-priced equipment, in the Euro-Jabelmann stand, for example. If you keep up with developments, you know that these basic machines also evolve. Ideal for growers who process their table potatoes themselves and sell them in their own farm shops, for example. Let’s look at the KKG 2000 box tipper. This version can tip broader boxes machine is the KFG 500 L box filler. It is fitted with selfdeveloped fall breakers. They are slightly narrower than most common versions, as a result of which they fit better in the boxes. The feed belt is wider, though, and that means that this model has 30 percent more filling capacity than the previous one. Now up to 20 tons per hour. The KFG 500 L costs 10,395 euros. In addition to the box filler, EuroJabelmann also has a totally different big bag filler, the BBF. This is for sale at 6,450 euros. The innovation in these fall breakers lies in the filling technology. In the old situation, a floor plate lifted the bag and let it slowly drop whilst being filled. The BBF is now fitted with a fallbreaker unit, which drops inside the bags. Also available to use with it is a weighing unit at a price of 3,000 euros. And the fourth small machine in the stand is the V4080 reception hopper. This new version is 50 cm longer than the previous model and can store 4 tons of potatoes. Because of its extra length, the floor mat slopes more gradually and picks up the potatoes better, with the additional advantage that there is less damage. The belt speed now also boasts a seamless gear. In addition, the side walls of the reception hopper are collapsible so that the machine does not take too much space in storage and during transport. This version is already available at 8,900 euros. Cramer takes a big leap forward with GPS The German manufacturer exports planting machines through APH in the Frisian town of Joure. APH Noord, a young combination of dealers in the northern part of the Netherlands, closely related to APH, also sells machines that are within the range of the trade company’s export package. Similarly, some of the northern dealers have gained lots of experience with the use of GPS technology in potato machinery, which experience they now use for their own product range. As of recently, the Cramer planting machines are provided with full GPS navigation. Each planting unit is fitted with a separate self-prOpelled hydromotor. Each unit can now operate at its own speed in order to create different planting distances. This means that the distance can be increased in the spray track rows, the adjoining rows and the edges of the plot as compared to the other rows in the field. The extra seed quantities or the reduction in the planting distance can be seamlessly adjusted to a difference of 10 percent. Furthermore, the planting distance can also be adjusted to the heaviness or the composition of the soil with the help of GPS and soil maps. In the heaver soil, the machine plants at a shorter distance than in the lighter soil, for example. To make clear that the Cramer machines have taken a big leap forward, the colour of the paint has been changed from blue-green to red. The prices of the new planting machines were not yet known at the time of the Agritechnica show. Cramer thinks that they need one more testing season before the machines are ready for the market. The planting distance can be adjusted to the heaviness or the composition of the soil with the help of GPS and soil maps. Potato World 2012 • number 1 17 Pagina 16
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