Packed Agritechnica full of innovations CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY New joystick more user-friendly Brand-new harvesters are not what Karel Decreamer can show us, but what he can show is a very innovative harvester control. It is the combination of a computer (program) and a multifunctional joystick. Interaction between these two means that a driver can manage the various component parts of the harvester better and can operate them with more ease. Suppose you have a bad spot somewhere in the potato plot. While going through that spot, the driver will constantly have to adjust his machine: the speed of the harvester, the sieve belts, the cleaning unit and so on. Every time that you pass that bad spot. With the combination of the new computer and the joystick, you only need to carry out these actions once. You record in the computer, once, the desired speeds of all the operating component parts on that bad spot and link them to one or more buttons on the joystick of the computer. This means that, with one or two pushes of the button, you can go through that bad spot and change from the normal speeds to the exactly-adjusted speeds. Furthermore, it is also possible to assign Large cultivators attractive for Russians With the combination of the new computer and the joystick, you only need to carry out these actions once. all the buttons on the joystick to functions that fit the driver best. Bijlsma receiving hoppers with new design Bijlsma Hercules 20-80. This is the latest machine in the receiving hopper series that the manufacturer Bijlsma Hercules is marketing. It is the no. 1 in the new receiving hopper series, which has a new design and improved parts. Bijlsma decided to move to this new line in order to combine an adapted, more efficient manufacturing procedure with a more modern look. The 20-80 hopper is the initial result. Innovations include the double flaps, which are to prevent potatoes from rolling off at the sides of the hopper outlet. In addition, the rollers on the cleaning unit are each fitted with their own motor, the speed of which is individually adjustable. The cleaning rolls can also be taken out more easily and quickly replaced by others. Despite these and a few other adjustments, the price has remained unchanged. The machine still costs 29,500 euros excluding VAT. The Bijlsma Hercules 20-80 is the latest addition in the receiving hopper series. Baselier, manufacturer of cultivators and haulm strippers, was notably present at Agritechnica with a new 6-metre field cultivator. They were showing this machine at Agritechnica especially for the many visitors from abroad among whom many Russians, East-Europeans and – last but not least – Chinese. Piet Adriaansen, director of Baselier, exports machinery like these giants through the APH Group in Joure. A new cultivator like this one can stand up to a bump or two, which is proven by the sales. According to the director, two big cultivators went to Russia again this year. Potato growers who have the space also use this machine as an inter-row rotary cultivator. You can make eight 75 cm ridges within this working width. Thanks to a special suspension construction, both parts of the cultivator can accommodate any soil unevenness without a problem. An accumulator in the middle of the suspension independently regulates the pressure of the hydraulic cylinders. Thanks to a special suspension construction, both parts of the cultivator can accommodate any soil unevenness without a problem. Potato World 2012 • number 1 19 Pagina 18
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