A lot of news on PotatoEurope 2019 CU LTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY The 27 hectares of potato land for the PotatoEurope 2019 edition were planted on 18 April again under excellent conditions. ate choice of variety and ample crop rotation. Growers in Flanders and Wallonia are already changing over to nematoderesistant varieties, and this will only increase in the coming years. The 27 hectares of potato land for the PotatoEurope 2019 edition were planted on 18 April again under excellent conditions. As with the previous editions in Belgium, the varieties involved are Fontane from Agrico and Challenger from HZPC. Precision farming is an important theme As with PotatoEurope 2013 in the Netherlands, CaslH will carry out a precision farming project. The company is going to compare variable planting to planting at a fixed distance here. Additionally, drones will map the development in the plots during the growing season. Based on these results, CaseIH will provide an over-fertilisation advice for the varieties planted under variable conditions. On the evening prior to the start of the event, the organisation will arrange a kick-off together with CaseIH on the theme ‘precision farming in potato cultivation’. Fourteen harvesting machines Organiser Fedagrim reports that six manufacturers have already registered fourteen different harvesting machines in order to lift a total of 27 hectares of potatoes. AVR in Roeselare will be present with the four-row self-prOpelled Puma and the two-row towed Lynx and Spirit 9200. Manufacturer Dewulf from Roeselare will demonstrate the four-row self-prOpelled Kwatro and the two-row self-prOpelled RA 3060 and the two-row towed Torro lifter-collector. The four-row self-prOpelled Varitron 470 and Ventor 4150 from the German company Grimme and the two-row towed EVO 290 and the three-row towed GT 300 will all be present. From the Dutch company Ploeger the four-row self-prOpelled GR-4BX will be there. Pouchain in France will send its four-row self-prOpelled PAP 475. Finally, the German manufacturer Ropa will presents its two-row towed machine Keiler 2 and the one-row – also towed – Keiler 1. In addition to Seven companies are participating in the trial fields in the 2019 edition of PotatoEurope. the harvesting demonstrations, there will also be one about practical storage. Here the manufacturers AVR, Bijlsma Hercules, Dewulf, Dubrulle and Grimme will be present with their state-of-the-art lines. Seven demonstration fields Within the organisation of PotatoEurope 2019, several potato institutions in Belgium have been assigned their own projects. For example, as in previous Belgian PotatoEurope editions, CARAH is responsible for the design and supervision of the trial fields. Seven companies are participating in the 2019 edition of PotatoEurope. Of these, Sirius Minerals, Timac, Kreglinger and Eurochem will be active in the domains of fertiliser and mineralisation stimulators. Belchim will demonstrate the effect of modern weed control, Phytophthora agents and new haulm killing applications. Agrico and Comexplant will show their latest varieties of seed potatoes. In addition, there will be plots with potatoes for Carah trials. These are three reference plots with potato varieties that growers for the Belgian processing industry use a lot, namely the Fontane, Challenger and Bintje. Carah will sample these fields during the season to track the development of the crop. There are also two fields set up for the Interreg SYTRANSPOM project. This project aims to bring together the cross-border expertise of four agronomic partners, Carah, Arvalis, Inagro and PCA to develop and/or improve the agronomic advisory systems to encourage the fight against potato diseases. ‘The demonstration fields will not be repeated. This means that they will not allow any statistical interpretation that leads to valid scientific conclusions’, emphasises Géry Carbonnelle of Carah who is responsible for the trial fields. For more information, please go to the website www.PotatoEurope.be. ● Jaap Delleman and Leo Hanse Potato World 2019 • number 2 19 Pagina 18

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