TRADE AND MARKET I NG Fruit Logistica focuses on sustainability Product marketing, new varieties, sustainable packaging and innovative techniques were the focus of attention this year at the international Fruit Logistica trade fair in Berlin. Despite the warnings surrounding the Coronavirus outbreak, more than 72,000 fresh produce profes sionals visited the event. In addition to developments in the field of new products, there was a lot of news about sustain ability in the potato chain. Jaap Delleman T he over three thousand stands at Fruit Logistica in the Messe in Berlin were occupied by companies from 93 countries. They offer visitors from 135 countries a range of new developments every year. In addition to the absence of many Chinese companies, this fair was notable for its focus on sustainability. The organisation even had Rabobank produce a trend report on this topic. In its publication, the bank stated that changes are necessary to make the fresh food chain more sustainable and to continue to provide food to the growing world population. As an important focal point, the bank mentioned that the total chain must take more responsibility for the use of raw materials, encouraging a less negative impact on the planet and the population. It is also important to reduce waste in both the consumption and the production processes. In addition, consumption levels should be reduced and eating habits should be healthier with less impact on the environment. These are points to which the potato chain has been responding for some time, as a tour of over 15 kilometres along the many aisles of the enormous exhibition buildings demonstrated. Potato World 2020 • number 2 13 Pagina 12
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