TRADE AND MARKET I NG Fruit Logistica focuses on sustainability ‘We need to stay ahead and develop new concepts’, Stan de Jager says. become increasingly important worldwide due to the land becoming more saline.’ Another trend that De Jager sees, are the box meals. ‘We supply the HelloFresh company in the Netherlands and Germany with our potatoes. We’ve developed a new packaging that’s recyclable and looks attractive. Those are fantastic projects to make potatoes a little bit sexier’, he says enthusiastically. The hospitality industry inspires the supermarket According to Danya Smits, responsible for marketing, communication and product development at Landjuweel of Uithuizermeeden, consumers are increasingly looking for luxury and convenience. She points out that the younger generation no longer buy 10 kg bags of table potatoes, but small packages for a meal for two people. To make things easier for the consumer, Landjuweel offers the Jazzy variety in a special microwave packaging, in which the potatoes are ready in 7 minutes. ‘As a result, last year’s sales of small-packaged potatoes up to 1.5 kg increased by 9 percent. The sales of larger packages of 4 kg and more fell by 9 percent’, adds account manager Michiel Meijering. ‘When we develop products, we also look at the hospitality industry. We’ve noticed that what you see in the hospitality industry you also see in the supermarket. An example is the potato twister. When people know such products well enough, it’s time to start developing family packaging and making the translation to the consumer. We’ve done this now by making a potato twister package for the supermarkets. We expect to be able to sell this twister around the holidays, with a retail value of between 4 and 5 euros. Keywords here are speed, convenience, special presentation and, of course, taste. That fits in with the general trends. What we see is that people have less time and only decide what they’re going to eat once they’re in the shop. That means you have to do more to convince the customer. You have to surprise them on the shop floor. Your communication on the packaging is very important. You don’t just buy a bag of potatoes, it’s the basis for a dish’, Smits concludes. According to Michiel Meijering and Danya Smits, consumers are increasingly looking for luxury and convenience. 16 Potato World 2020 • number 2 Pagina 15

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