CU LTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY European potato chain launches CIPC cleani The disappearance of Chlorpropham (CIPC) as a sprout inhibitor in European storage facilities means that growers not only have to look for an alternative product, but it is also necessary to thoroughly clean the storehouses in which the product has been used. In order to explain how this should be done, a number of European organisations have joined forces and drawn up a cleaning protocol in word and pictures. T he European potato value chain, consisting of the Copa-Cogeca growers’ organisation, the Europatat trade organisation, the EUPPA processors organisation, the ESA snack producers’ organisation and Starch Europe for the starch industry, as well as the British HDB and the French Rivalis research institute, drew up a cleaning protocol at the beginning of April. This protocol is based on both the input of experienced experts and the scientific knowledge of practitioners and potato researchers from all over Europe. This manual describes the most important steps for reducing residual CIPC in potato storehouses, material and machines. The aim of these measures is to reduce CIPC in buildings, equipment, material and machinery in order to minimise the residue on the potato product. In order to quickly identify the most important aspects of cleaning, the organisations have drawn up a clear infographic in which the proposed cleaning methods are clarified. The advice of the cooperating organisations is to use dry methods, if possible. Only in cases where a suitable dry method is not available or if this is not sufficient for complete cleaning should a grower use water as a secondary agent. The water used in this process must be collected as waste water and must not end up in the environment. Work from top to bottom In the same way as a flight of stairs is best cleaned when you work from top to bottom, it’s also important to clean the storehouse area from top to bottom. Despite the fact that CIPC has a low volatility rate, ventilating a storehouse can contribute to the effective discharge of CIPC. However, this takes a lot of time, which is why constant ventilation of the storehouse after the storage season is beneficial. This means that, if the potato storehouse is not used for the storage of potatoes, the doors and hatches should be open for ventilation. This also applies to the cleaned, underground ducts, which only require a low air speed. Brushing and vacuuming Sweeping and brushing creates dust, with the risk of dirt resettling. For this reason, during the cleaning process, all materials must be vacuumed at the same time as brushing, so that all loose residues are removed. First, all loose dirt and residue should be removed using a dry method of cleaning. This should be done preferably with an industrial vacuum cleaner with a solid dust filter (HEPA, M-filter (99.9%) or carbon filter), so that even very small and fine CIPC particles won’t end up back in the storehouse. The filter should be cleaned and changed regularly. After cleaning, loose elements such as boxes and aboveground ducts are placed outside. The weather (sun, rain and wind) also contributes to the minimisation of CIPC residues. When cleaning, the focus should be on the areas with the highest CIPC concentration, such as the pressure chamber, the technical room and the fans. Extra attention for the air ducts Above and below ground air ducts require special attention due to the presence of soil and CIPC residues. It is Above and below ground air ducts require special attention due to the presence of soil and CIPC residues. important to remove all the soil first and then clean the ducts by brushing while vacuuming at the same time. The aboveground metal ducts can also be given a special treatment in a reshaping machine 20 Potato World 2020 • number 2 Pagina 19
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