excellent grading & cleaning Landbouwkade 6 | 8304 AE Emmeloord | The Netherlands T +31 (0)527 - 697 731 | F +31 (0)527 - 617 232 | info@dtdijkstra.nl | www.dtdijkstra.nl R Our vision : the future ! AVR Potato Equipment MAFEX Potato MAFEX: one efficient solution The MAFEX potato is an ideal solution for the use of tuber protection and protection against rhizoctonia, sprouting inhibition and storage diseases. Simple control Digital control box Standard alarm function MAFEX: effective and user friendly The MAFEX device is easy to assemble on the roller- or belt conveyor. Hardly any water is used to prevent contamination with bacterial diseases and thus rot. The liquid is atomized without pressure so no annoying mist arises in the barn. More information More information about the MAFEX potato and other equipment like Cyclomatics, Swingfog gas equipment and potato dusters is available on our website; www.mafex.nl. Soil preparation, haulm toppers and harvesters multifunctional in potato breeding www.avr.be Over 35 years of experience Quality moves us AVR Rafale haulmtopper for a perfect haulm topping job ! t +31(0)527 63 15 15 • www.profytodsd.nl AVR Spirit 8200 : 2 row bunker harvester: quality and capacity ! AVR is also specialist in soil preparation ! (Multivator, GE Force, Compact III, Combi) AVR bvba, Meensesteenweg 545, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium Phone: +32 51 24 55 66 ; Fax: +32 51 22 95 61 ; E-mail: info@avr.be Pagina 27
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