Leadin g Innovation! excellent grading & cleaning Landbouwkade 6 | 8304 AE Emmeloord | The Netherlands T +31 (0)527 - 697 731 | F +31 (0)527 - 617 232 | info@dtdijkstra.nl | www.dtdijkstra.nl The Storage Specialist New: Handbook for potatobreeders Aardappelwereld (PotatoWorld) Ltd. will publish the handbook for potato breeders before long in collaboration with Louis Bolk Institute/Bioimpuls and others. All skills needed for successful potato breeding are revealed in the publication. The handsomely designed manual is most informative and inspiring for every player in the potato chain. It will be published in Dutch and English to begin with. A reduced pre-publication price makes the book all the more attractive. After publication the manual will cost € 50.-- (excl. VAT) See for more information on our website: www.potatoworld.eu Pagina 31

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